How to fix Python ModuleNotFoundError — Ultimate guide (Pycharm)
There are 2 types of python module/package.
- External packages: those you installed per
pip install xxx
- Internal packages: those you created by write
class XXX():
Both packages directories need to be specified with the Environment Variable $PYTHONPATH
External Packages
Answer the questions: which python are you using?
Check using terminal which python3
. The result could look like this:
To ensure PyCharm can locate the packages, add the python directory into the ENV variable PYTHONPATH:
Edit configurations:
Edit Environment parameters:
Add venv-python directory to the end of existing value, separated with colon:/user/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages:/Users/USERNAME/code/PROJECTNAME/venv/bin/python3
Usually your external packages are installed either locally or virtually(anaconda or venv), here are some examples:
- local package directory:
- virtual package directory:
⚠️ Requirement already satisfied
If you encounter Requirement already satisfied: PACAKGE NAME... /user/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
while /user/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
is NOT the python directory you are using, use --target=CORRECT_PYTHON_DIRECTORY
to specify the destination. Example
pip install PACKAGE --target=/Users/USERNAME/Documents/workspace/PROJECTNAME/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/
⚠️ Everything installed but still ERROR
Solution: delete all packages under your lib/python3.9/site-packages/
and do the pip install -r requirements.txt --target='.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/'
Internal Packages
The problem is that python doesn’t know where to find your package.
1. Open your projecg in PyCharm
2. Find the direct-parent-folder of your internal package.
In this case, the package we want to use is app
, so the direct-parent-folder is src
3. Now set src
as “Source Root”. You will see the folder color become blue.
>>> ⚠️ If the “Mark Directory as” is not an option in the right-click list. You can always go to Preferences | Project:<name> | Project Structure, and set the corresponding folder as source root.
4. Lets make sure python knows where to find packages — external and internal. PyCharm → Preferences → Build, Execution, Deployment → make sure you put the correct external-packages-directory in (A), and cross both checkboxes in (B) for internal-packages.
Hope this will solve your packages once for all. Remember, the error occurs ONLY when python doesn’t know where to look into! 🔍🔍🔍